Today I was speaking at London Coherence SIG. Below you can find slides from my presentation.
London Coherence SIGs are never boring, but this one was especially interesting.
We had two presentations from Randy Stafford (Oracle), Groovy presentation from Jonathan "Gridman" Knight, yet another Coherence transaction framework (and counting) from David Whitmarsh, "lore" about read-write-backing-map from Phil Wheeler and other interesting stuff.
I'm really glad, I was able to get to this event.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Four flavours of "Out of Memory" in HotSpot JVM
If you are working with Java, I bet you are well aware about
OutOfMemoryError. But did you
know that there are 4 different conditions when OutOfMemoryError
is being thrown in Oracle’s HotSpot JVM? These conditions can be distinguished
by message provided by exception.
OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
This is probably most common case for out of memory error.
It indicates that heap space is not large enough to hold object created by
application. To be precise, this exception is thrown if, after last full GC
cycle, free space in heap is below 2% (can be configured via –XX:GCHeapFreeLimit=p JVM option).
Normally you either have to increase JVM heap size or fix
memory leak in your application to remedy this.
OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
This problem is trickier. It means that GC is spending “too
much” time cleaning memory. Portion of free space may be above 1%, but process
is spending 50 times more time managing memory than actually executing application
code. Threshold can be tweaked via -XX:GCTimeLimit=p
JVM option, default is 2% (1/50). Usually if you will increase heap size
problem will go away. But this error may also indicate that heap is badly
configured, i.e. young space is too small for application.
OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
As you may know, HotSpot JVM is using special memory space
for certain internal structures – permanent space. Despite its name object from
permanent space could be collected (name is just a historic artifact). But you
may run out of memory in perm space same way as you can in normal heap. Thing
which may affect permanent space usage are
- loading/generating classes and creating with class loaders,
- reflection,
- calling String.intern() method.
Permanent space does not count to application heap size. If
you need to resize it, use –XX:MaxPermSize=s
JVM option.
OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
All previous types of OOME were indicating that GC failed to
free memory for new Java object (i.e. they are thrown as result of GC cycle). This
last type of OOME is different. Since Java 1.5, JVM have API to manage memory
outside of heap. Out of heap memory is not a subject for garbage collection,
but is also limited. Capacity of off heap memory pool is configured via –XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=s JVM option.
My statement about off heap memory not being garbage collected is only
partially true. Off heap memory blocks are deallocated in ByteBuffer class
finalizer so garbage collection of heap is also driving reclamation of
associated off-heap memory.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tech meet up, distributeted caching and data grid, Moscow 17 May
I would like to announce tech meet up devoted to topic of caching in distributed systems and data grid technology. Event will be held at Moscow on May 17.
Slides from event:
Main talk by Max Alexejev Bonus presentation by me
Slides from event:
Monday, May 14, 2012
Asymmetric read/write path – a trend for scalable architecture
A few years ago I was blogging about architecture
using composition of different storage technologies for queering and persistence
of data. Rationale behind this was further explained in other my post.
Below is a sketch of such
Unlike classical Von Neumann's memory hierarchy, this composition is asymmetric in terms of read and write paths.
I’m glad to see similar ideas implemented
in commercial products marking a trend. In this post I want draw your attention
to two very interesting middleware products having principle of composition of
specialized storages in their core.
CloudTran is very ambitious product
promising performance and scalability for a wide class of application without
much extra effort.
CloudTran leverages Oracle Coherence and its
integration with EclipseLink to build scalable applications using JPA for
persistence. Coherence + EclipseLink (TopLink Grid) is already capable of
executing JPQL queries in cache instead of database using rich querying
capabilities of Coherence. Missing piece in this tandem was transaction
CloudTran is filling this gap adding specialized component for
managing transactions. Durability of CloudTran’s transactions is provided by
write-ahead disk log (many RDBMSes are using same technique). But unlike RDBMS,
CloudTran’s log is not limited to single disk/server, it is distributed (same
way as data in Coherence grid) and can benefit from throughput of dozens of
disks in cluster.
Full picture of CouldTran based
solution is triangle of technologies:
Backend database being updated asynchronously
is on critical path for neither read nor write, thus database is not limiting
application performance. On other side data in Coherence are updated
synchronously, so application logic can enjoy strong consistency and ACID
transactions (which is huge, eventual constancy is a lot of pain for typical
enterprise application with sophisticated data model).
is another young and interesting product promising combination of ACID and
scalability. Datomic is also featuring triangle of technologies, but it has own
implementation for both in-memory database/cache and transaction persistence
(that component is called transactor in Datomic). For system of record you can
use either RDBMS or NoSQL storage (Amazon Dynamo). Datomic is offering own API
(and own unique approach) for working with data. Datomic is highly influenced
by functional paradigm, which would probably make porting existing applications
to Datomic non trivial, but for new projects idea of simple but scalable
platform featuring ACID data manipulation may be attractive.
Cool toys for enterprise developers
I’m very glad to see such
innovative products addressing scalability in not-so-fancy class of enterprise application
(of cause both products are not limited to enterprise). IMHO there are enough
clones of Google’s BigTable and Amazon’s dynamo in this world already. People
working on inventories, reservation systems and other enterprisy stuff also need cool distributed toys.
I’m a little skeptical about
future for these products (goals they have set for themselves are just too
challenging), but I sincerely which luck to both projects.
Please prove my skepticism wrong ;)